Hudson Grace

Hudson Grace

An involved project including gift registry migration and customization, along with custom integration with Lightspeed POS, Hudson Grace was a great example of delivering big, with the care and communication one would expect from a smaller project. We gave this one our all, while keeping things personable with their team.  They appreciated our attention to detail and humanistic approach, we were more than happy to make their dreams a reality with this project.





Hudson Grace

We fell in love with their product photography and realized their customers felt the same way. We enlarged the photography dramatically and brought more attention to not only the products but they way the products were used in the real world.



Hudson Grace

On the home page we designed a beautiful fullscreen carousel highlighting their newest products.

We added small product thumbnails below the main carousel. This allowed even more products to be seen at first glance.

We thought it was important to show the products being used in real life to create curiosity and encourge exploration in the site.

Hudson Grace

We clean the category page up dramatically and made it less intimidating. We designed an optional category image that could also be used to promote specials.

On the category thumbnails, it was important to remove clutter and really focus on simplifying the experience on this page.

Hudson Grace

This was our favorite page. Products is front and center with huge impact. We worked hard on simplifying this page.

We kept the product description and options extremely clean and simple to keep focus on this page. The intent was to keep people interested and to allow the viewer to keep scrolling to learn more about the product.

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